Lamy Safari


The German made Lamy fountain pens are some of the best out there. They make some terrific pens and today I’ll be singing the praises of the ABS plastic Safari.
The Lamy Safari is an excellent beginner’s fountain pen but it is also a great pen for the seasoned fountain pen user. I love it for many reasons but one big plus in my opinion is the fact that you can get almost any nib size you want from an extra-fine up to a 1.9mm calligraphy nib. So you can pretty much customize your pen to your own writing style.
As you can see I have taken the customization a little further and switched up my collection to be my own. Yes these pens have been used and dare I say abused by me. These pens do not just sit in my collection and look pretty; they get written with on a daily basis.
My Safari Pens
I have the three different size calligraphy nibs on my pens; 1.1, 1.5 and 1.9. I have very large “in-your-face” writing and while I do not do calligraphy I have found that writing with these pens has definitely helped improve my writing so that it is now once again readable.
To be continued…


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