Well folks another year has come and almost gone and we will be so glad to bid this year farewell; adios; so long; good bye, etc.  It has been such a cray year what with the pandemic and…well I think that alone has made the crazy real.  A pandemic in my lifetime; who’d have ever thought it?!  While I deeply believe there is much more to this than meets the eye, I will not get into all of that here.

I will be closed for the Thanksgiving weekend to spend the holiday with my mom (my last living immediate family).  Yes there are still cousins, the hubby, etc. but my dad and grandparents are all gone.  So the thought of Mom spending the holiday alone or in quarantine or isolation does not sit will with me.  Oh I know we are not supposed to travel to see our loved ones and we’re not supposed to hug or kiss them or even touch them.  But I will visit my mom and I will hug her tight and kiss her cheek and touch her.  We are after all – HUMAN.  We were made for a human connection; we have a hunger – not only for Thanksgiving dinner – but for the HUMAN touch.

If this crazy year has taught me anything at all, it has taught me the importance of family and family time TOGETHER.  And I know we keep hearing how we are all in this together – while we are miles apart.   So yes I will defy orders and visit my mother and hug her and touch her and love her.  And any relatives or friends that want to come visit us while we are there – we welcome you with open arms.  I’m thankful she is still here and that I can spend this time with her.

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