Along came a virus…

And sat down beside us…

We never even knew what we had.

And the out of the blue things began to close

And the nightly news would disclose

The number of folks that were dead.

Our shops, schools and churches shut down

Our salons were not around

And our hair began to grow long.

We were told to stay home

Do not get out and roam

And the invisible enemy came along.

We surrendered our rights

And yes without a fight

And stayed sequestered tight in our homes.

We wore masks when we ventured out

And we really just wanted to shout

Set us free! Set us free! Let us roam.

So quickly we fell under government control

Without even knowing that we each had a role

To fulfill in this game about power.

And on a fateful Friday the 13th the America we knew was lost

And at that time we couldn’t even know the cost

That we would pay in this game that changed by the hour.

Most folks stayed home from work; lots with government pay

But those that didn’t qualify for pay had to stay home anyway

And the pain and resentment (like our hair) began to grow.

We couldn’t visit relatives; we couldn’t visit friends

We thought the pain and the suffering would never end

As we couldn’t even attend funerals for the ones that we loved so.

The fear was so instilled in us

that we never even made a fuss

when they told us we needed masks and gloves.

And then along came warm weather and sunshine

and we longed to sit outside with friends and drink wine

and we longed to go to the beach with the ones we love.

Our neighborhoods were so full they could burst at the seam

We wanted to wake up from this nightmare that we thought was a dream.

And we all walked our dogs more each day so we could soak up some rays.

We shopped for groceries as food and meat became scarce as toast

and we learned the thing that would scare us the most

was to find no TP at the end of the day!


Along came a virus and sat down beside us; please stop drinking the kool-aid before it is too late!  The invisible enemy is here and it’s taking this country by storm.

So much for poetry; here are the words and terms I hope to never hear again in my lifetime – topping the list is SOCIAL DISTANCING; oh how I hate that phrase!  It is nearly impossible to socially distance myself and run a very small business where we actually try to help the customer and interact with them.  “NEW NORMAL” is another one at the top of my “bad” list.  There is nothing normal about any of this; it’s not normal to have to be 6′ apart; it’s not normal to not be able to congregate and gather together in groups; it is certainly not normal to walk around with masks and gloves on as this must be a criminal’s best dream come true!  There is nothing normal about cancelling all sporting events – including the summer Olympics – not normal at all.  Nothing normal about cancelling our fireworks celebrations to celebrate our freedom.  If we are not very careful there will be no freedom to celebrate. We are slowly loosing our hard-earned rights and privileges which are in fact our freedoms.  Our freedoms were fought and died for; we can’t continue to just simply give them up…we are loosing the America that we all know and love…


And “they” keep saying ‘WE’RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER” – no we are not-we are not together; we must be 6’ apart at all times; we’re not together as many of us (myself included) want to get back to our normal way of life before this virus ever came along; we want to get back to living our lives and back to working our jobs or running our businesses; and the others are content to keep the country closed “for as long as it takes” and keep the lock downs in place; we can’t attend weddings or funerals of loved ones or friends; we can’t visit the sick and dying in the hospitals; we can’t be together; we can’t congregate in churches and worship TOGETHER…so no again this is NOT NORMAL and WE’RE NOT ALL IN IT TOGETHER.

We Americans, we pretty much had it made and we didn’t even know what we would miss.  The stock market was at record highs; unemployment was at record lows; employment was at record highs.  We were working and making money and spending it.  We were eating out and enjoying life.  We were having fun and celebrating our freedom never knowing that a VIRUS of all things was lurking in the shadows waiting to destroy us from the inside out.

Now we have the stock market plummeting into new record low territory; unemployment is at record highs; employment is at record lows and our world has been turned upside down.  We are no longer working and making money and we are spending it faster than ever as there are shortages on everything and prices are constantly going up.  We can no longer “eat out” unless we are literally outside at a restaurant that has outdoor seating and that of course depends on the weather which in very uncooperative.  We are no longer allowed to have fun as there is not much fun stuff left to do; no sporting events to attend; no large gatherings allowed; no concerts to attend; no eating out with a large group of friends or alone for that matter inside a restaurant; no shopping; no attending church to congregate and fellowship with other worshipers; no sunbathing on the beach (really?! I mean come on now how crazy is that!!), no watching the summer Olympics on TV and rooting for team USA, and on and on it goes…the fun and the joy has just been sucked out of life all because along came a virus and sat down beside us…

Our economy has been devastated; families have been torn APART; we are being controlled and manipulated by the fear factor.  And all because along came a virus and sat down beside us…





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